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Enables you to monitor and analyze your cloud performance metrics, identify bottlenecks, and optimize your resources for enhanced scalability and responsiveness
  1. Checks Amazon CloudFront distributions for alternate domain names (CNAMES) that have incorrectly configured DNS settings.
  2. Amazon EBS under-provisioned volumes
    Checks the Amazon Elastic Block Storage (Amazon EBS) volumes that were running at any time during the lookback period.
  3. AWS Lambda under-provisioned functions for memory size
    Checks the AWS Lambda functions that were invoked at least once during the lookback period.
  4. Large Number of Rules in an EC2 Security Group
    Checks each Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) security group for an excessive number of rules.
  5. Amazon Route 53 Alias Resource Record Sets
    Checks for resource record sets that can be changed to alias resource record sets to improve performance and save money.
  6. Overutilized Amazon EBS Magnetic Volumes
    Checks for Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Magnetic volumes that are potentially overutilized and might benefit from a more efficient configuration.
  1. CloudFront Header Forwarding and Cache Hit Ratio
    Checks the HTTP request headers that CloudFront currently receives from the client and forwards to your origin server.
  2. Large Number of EC2 Security Group Rules Applied to an Instance
    Checks for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances that have a large number of security group rules.
  3. CloudFront Content Delivery Optimization
    Checks for cases where data transfer from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets could be accelerated by using Amazon CloudFront, the AWS global content delivery service.
  4. High Utilization Amazon EC2 Instances
    Checks the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances that were running at any time during the last 14 days and alerts you if the daily CPU utilization was more than 90% on 4 or more days.
  5. Amazon EBS Provisioned IOPS (SSD) Volume Attachment Configuration
    Checks for Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes that are attached to an Amazon EBS-optimizable Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance that is not EBS-optimized.
  6. Amazon EC2 to EBS Throughput Optimization
    Checks for Amazon EBS volumes whose performance might be affected by the maximum throughput capability of the Amazon EC2 instance they are attached to.
Checks Amazon CloudFront distributions for alternate domain names (CNAMES) that have incorrectly configured DNS settings.
Checks each Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) security group for an excessive number of rules.
Route 53
Checks for resource record sets that can be changed to alias resource record sets to improve performance and save money.
Checks for Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes that are attached to an Amazon EBS-optimizable Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance that is not EBS-optimized.
Checks for high risk issues (HRIs) for your workloads in the performance pillar.
High Utilization
Checks the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances that were running at any time during the last 14 days and alerts you if the daily CPU utilization was more than 90% on 4 or more days.
Console-view - Cloud Trusted Advisor

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With, you gain a centralized, powerful platform that simplifies cloud management, provides comprehensive inventory visibility, and offers detailed well-architected reviews across the six pillars.

Trust to elevate your cloud management capabilities and unlock the true potential of your AWS infrastructure. Take control, optimize, and excel in the cloud with our advanced platform.

Cloud Front
Route 53
High Utilization

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Create a role in your AWS account with read-only permissions. Refer to the documentation for instructions on creating the role in your AWS account. This role will enable you to access the inventory and findings for all six pillars.

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Add the Role ARN within Console-View. Copy the role ARN and log in to Click on AWS, then select "Add Account." Enter the AWS Account name and paste the copied role ARN.
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