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Helps you assess your cloud infrastructure’s environmental impact, providing insights and recommendations for reducing your carbon footprint. We support you in adopting sustainable practices, optimizing resource usage, and contributing to a greener future.

Our platform empowers organizations to maximize the value of their AWS infrastructure. By providing visibility into cloud costs, tracking usage patterns, and optimizing expenditures.

Our platform conducts thorough well-architected reviews across the six pillars of cloud excellence: security, cost optimization, performance efficiency, reliability, operational excellence, and sustainability. This ensures that our clients’ cloud infrastructures adhere to best practices and meet specific requirements.

We go beyond assessments by delivering actionable recommendations based on the insights gathered during well-architected reviews. These recommendations are tailored to each organization’s unique needs and goals.

Console-View - Cloud Trusted Advisor

6 Best Practices

  1. Region Selection: Choose cloud regions that align with your sustainability goals. AWS offers regions powered by renewable energy sources and carbon-neutral regions. By selecting these regions, you can ensure that your cloud infrastructure operates with a reduced environmental impact.
  2. Alignment to Demand: Optimize resource allocation based on demand to avoid over-provisioning and wasted resources. Use tools like AWS Auto Scaling and AWS Elastic Load Balancing to dynamically scale resources up or down based on workload demands, ensuring efficient resource utilization and minimizing energy consumption.
  3. Software and Architecture: Design and develop applications with sustainability in mind. Leverage cloud-native architectures and services like AWS Lambda, which enables serverless computing and eliminates the need for dedicated infrastructure. Adopt containerization with services like Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) or Kubernetes (EKS) to improve resource utilization and scalability.
  1. Data: Implement efficient data management practices to reduce storage requirements and minimize energy consumption. Utilize data lifecycle management tools like Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering, which automatically moves data to the most cost-effective storage tier based on access patterns, optimizing storage efficiency.
  2. Hardware and Services: Choose energy-efficient hardware and utilize AWS services designed for sustainability. AWS offers energy-optimized instance families, such as AWS Graviton, which use ARM-based processors to provide high-performance computing with reduced power consumption. Additionally, leverage services like AWS Storage Gateway to optimize data transfer and reduce network bandwidth usage.
  3. Process and Culture: Foster a culture of sustainability within your organization. Encourage employees to adopt sustainable practices, such as turning off unused resources, implementing power-saving measures, and raising awareness about environmental impact. Regularly assess and update your processes to align with sustainability goals, and consider certifications like AWS’s “Sustainability” competency to demonstrate your commitment.
Low Utilization Resources
Get all Idle Resources
Saving Plans
Right Sizing
Lambda functions with High Error rate
A significant part of using AWS involves balancing your Reserved Instance (RI) usage and your On-Demand instance usage.
Amazon RDS Idle DB Instances
Savings Plan
Checks your usage of EC2, Fargate, and Lambda over the last 30 days
Underutilized Amazon Redshift Clusters, Amazon ElastiCache Reserved Node Optimization
Checks low utilization
Recommendations for compute resources
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